

There will be tears

There will be tears

The news about the camshaft totally shocked us. And it wasn’t only painful because of that 1000 liras, rather the fact that we’re gonna be stuck here for 5-6 days. Trabzon has almost 780 000 inhabitants, but besides some Turkish buffets, there is only a handful of restaurants there, and 4 bars all…

2018. március 11.
In Turkey with bae 2.

In Turkey with bae 2.

We woke up in Istanbul and we did exactly what the usual tourist does in Istanbul. We went to discover the city, walked all day, trying to switch to the pedestrian mindset from the motorway madness. I have been once to Istanbul, 7 years ago, and even then it was a pleasant surprise how modern and…

In Turkey with bae

In Turkey with bae

Every piece fell into its place, we were ready to leave. Almost ready. Because by the time every piece has fallen into its place, we were nerve-wrecks. That’s all folks, unfortunately without the doggo The last two week has been incredibly busy, I scheduled everything down to the last minute, but…

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